Shareholders and Investors

We aim to facilitate an understanding of the Toyota Industries Group and obtain an appropriate company valuation in stock markets through information disclosure based on fair disclosure rules as well as proactive dialogue with shareholders and investors.

Basic Perspective and Implementation Structure

Toyota Industries continually carries out information disclosure based on fair disclosure rules for shareholders and investors. In this way, we raise management transparency and increase an understanding of the Toyota Industries Group so that we obtain an appropriate company valuation in stock markets.

Our investor relations (IR) activities are supervised by an executive in charge of IR. We also strive to engage in proactive and constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors by establishing a dedicated department.

Communication with Shareholders and Investors

145th General Shareholders’ Meeting
145th General Shareholders’ Meeting
We hold our annual general shareholders’ meeting early to avoid the date on which many companies hold their respective shareholders’ meetings so that more shareholders can attend. We are further facilitating the exercise of voting rights of our shareholders by allowing them to exercise such rights via the Internet and by joining the electronic voting platform for institutional investors.

We held our 145th General Shareholders’ Meeting on June 9, 2023, in which 195 shareholders participated. At the meeting, we explained the status of our businesses and items on the agenda and received a variety of questions from shareholders on our businesses, governance and environment-related topics. With regard to the exercise of voting rights, we encouraged shareholders to use the Internet and other online means. All resolutions were passed at the meeting.

For institutional investors and analysts, we held financial results briefings by management, while the Investor Relations Office conducted individual interviews, mainly via telephone and the Internet. In addition, we actively participated in conferences hosted by securities companies and held dialogue with many investors from Japan and overseas. Through these opportunities, we exchanged opinions on a range of topics, including market conditions in each of the Lift Truck Business and Logistics Solutions Business and our response; production and sales status in our automobilerelated businesses; direction of business over the medium to long term; and our approach to and initiatives for the environment, social and governance (ESG) issues.

For individual investors, we held web-based company information sessions to explain Toyota Industries’ businesses, characteristics and strengths and answered many questions.

Through such communications with shareholders and investors, we successfully promoted a deeper understanding of Toyota Industries’ entire businesses. Opinions and requests obtained through these communications are fed back to executives and relevant business divisions as necessary to reflect them in our future business activities.

Major Investor Relations Activities

For institutional investors and securities analysts in Japan
  • Quarterly financial results briefings
  • Individual interviews / visits
  • Small meetings
  • Teleconferencing / Web meeting
  • Business information sessions
  • Facility tours
  • Issuing / Toyota Industries Reports
For institutional investors outside Japan
  • Individual interviews
  • Small meetings
  • Teleconferencing / Web meeting
  • Participation in conferences hosted by securities companies
  • Issuing / Toyota Industries Reports
For individual shareholders and investors
  • Company information session
  • Issuing / delivering notice of general shareholders’ meeting

Returning Profits to Shareholders

Toyota Industries regards ensuring shareholder benefits as one of the most important management policies. In returning profits to shareholders, we emphasize stable cash dividends. Accordingly, we strive to continue paying dividends at the consolidated dividend payout ratio of roughly 30% and meet the expectations of shareholders upon comprehensively taking into consideration such factors as business results and demand for funds.

For fiscal 2024, Toyota Industries increased annual cash dividends by ¥50.0 from the previous fiscal year and paid annual cash dividends per share of ¥240.0 (interim cash dividend per share of ¥100.0 and year-end cash dividend per share of ¥140.0).

We will continue to make efforts to enhance shareholder return based on the environment surrounding Toyota Industries and the situations we are facing.