Toyota Industries Corporation Gains the Highest rating in Survey by CDP
- Chosen as an "A List" Company for both the"Climate Change" and "Water Security" -
Toyota Industries Corporation (President: Akira Onishi) announces that it has been selected as an "A List" company, the highest evaluation possible, in a survey on "Climate Change" and "Water Security" held by CDP*, an international environmental NGO originating in the UK. It was highly evaluated for initiatives including activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, alleviate climate change and conserve water resources (announced on December 8). This is the third time that Toyota Industries has been selected as an "A List" company for "Climate Change" (selected each year since 2018) and the second time that it has been selected for "Water Security" (previously selected in 2018).
With an eye to realizing a prosperous life in harmony with the natural environment by creating a sustainable society, the Toyota Industries Group has formulated the "Sixth Environmental Action Plan," a five-year plan covering the period from FY2017 through FY2021. It has been engaging in initiatives based on this plan.
Initiatives being enacted in accordance with the above plan include the following:
1. Reduction of CO2 emissions by 10% by FY2021 compared with FY2006 (Toyota Industries)
2. Reduction of CO2 emissions per unit by 26% by FY2021 compared with FY2006 (Toyota Industries Group)
3. Understanding and reducing risks related to water resources at each production site.
The fact that Toyota Industries received the aforementioned recognition indicates that these activities have been highly evaluated.
Going Forward, the Toyota Industries Group will work to contribute to creating a sustainable society through global environmental conservation activities while also engaging in combating the key issues of climate change response and water resource conservation.
*CDP is an international NGO established in 2000 in the U.K. that aims to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, water resource conservation and the protection of forests by companies and governments.
In 2020, representing 515 institutional investors (asset scale under management: 106 trillion US dollars) and 150 purchasing corporations (procurement expense: 4 trillion US dollars), it conducted a survey and evaluation of major corporations worldwide.