Social Contribution Activity Policies

Basic Perspective

At Toyota Industries, we have always been guided by our founder's vision to "contribute to society and the world through monozukuri (manufacturing)." As it is the individual members of our company who bear the responsibility of this social contribution, we are all committed to carrying out these activities in line with the Toyota Industries CSR Policy and Code of Conduct.

From "CSR Policy"

Wherever we do business, we actively promote and engage, both individually and with partners, in social contribution activities that help strengthen communities and contribute to the enrichment of society.

From "Code of Conduct"

Basic Stance

We shall actively conduct social contribution activities to fulfill our responsibility as a good corporate citizen in each region we operate with the aim of realizing an abundant and sound society and its sustainable development.

We shall strive to communicate with local communities and implement a range of activities focused on these communities, especially in the areas of social welfare, youth development and environmental protection.

Social Contribution Promotion Structure

We established the Social Contribution Group as a dedicated organization within the General Administration Department at the Head Office. We promote a variety of initiatives through this group, including planning and implementing programs in various fields, educational activities to raise employee awareness, support for volunteer activities spearheaded by independent groups of employees organized by supervisory level or individual employees within the company, and activities that promote communication with local communities.

The Toyota Industries Heartful Club is an employee-led volunteer organization that was established in 1997. Its members are current and former employees of Toyota Industries and its subsidiaries, as well as their families. These members work together with the aim of building a more compassionate society while building a wider network of personal friendships.
The Heartful Volunteer Support Center opened its doors in 2008 and is used as a hub of social contribution activities, including independently planned events, collaborative projects with non-profit organizations (NPOs), informal gatherings with local residents, and more.